The Gift of the desert – Crystals for a clear powerful mind!
Please read to the end! In the last 6 months, we have been receiving an increasing number of requests from people with the same description of the problem and almost the exact same symptoms.
It can be summarized as having brain fog, feeling overwhelmed and anxious, consistently forgetting things, feeling as if their mind is distorted, and consistently being distracted. They are not able to concentrate on one thing for a long time, and if the person tries to do so, they feel irritated and tired.
It was strange for us to receive so many requests with the same problem and description, so we looked into it, and to our surprise, we noticed that none of the people who sent these requests had any real or serious spiritual or energy problems. One of our team members, who has been a healer for over 20 years and is a renowned worldwide expert, having helped thousands of people from all around the world, suggested that sometimes this can happen because of vibrations from electronics or distorted energies.
So, we asked the people to stay away from their phones and computers for a couple of days, and when they did that, they totally came back to us and said all the symptoms disappeared or greatly decreased.
We understood that due to the new and increasing levels of vibration from electronics and energy distortion devices all around us, specifically phones, screens, and computers, our minds are being damaged by these energies. Not only our minds but also our energy and our spiritual development.
Even though we understood what the problem is, it is almost impossible to stop using phones, computers, or looking into screens. And even if we do that, the new towers of 5G networks and satellites and the internet being built and stationed on a daily basis all around us and in every city will guarantee that these effects will only increase, and these symptoms will only get worse.
We took this task very seriously, and we asked some of the best in the world who specialize in this work and understanding to find a quick, powerful, and total solution for this problem. There were different suggestions; some were long and complicated, and some were very costly. After looking into all the options and all the solutions, one thing stood out.
A specific crystal or glass that comes from the depths of the desert, charged by the energy of the heat and the sun for thousands of years, imported by the dryness and the consistent movement of the sands and the wind in the vast energy of the desert. The stones worked as a magnet for negatively charged energies and vibrations, specifically electronic charges. The best thing about it is, unlike a regular battery, it didn't just exchange the charges but dissolved the negative charges and destroyed them.
We tested it multiple times with both energy scanning devices and by hand. When placed around a body, it will take the negative charge from it. We decided to try and experiment with it, so we sent a couple of our team members to some of the most deserted and faraway places in the deep desert to pick desert glass or what natives call it, the gift of the desert. We took the stones, cut them, shined them, polished them, made a hole and strung them into beautiful bracelets, and gave them to the people who complained about these symptoms to see the results.
Nine out of ten people describe an immediate improvement in the first 24 hours, ten out of ten people describe a vast improvement in the first three days, and all ten people describe consistent benefits and not being affected by negative electronics and not having any of the previous symptoms while wearing these stones. The test was very successful. We decided to offer this to you as well. This is a strictly energy and electromagnetic item; it does not have any spiritual work, even though having a healthy energy and a clear and healthy mind directly correlates and relates to spiritual health and development.
You can see in the picture the raw form of these stones and how they look after we cut them and polish them. These crystals are made totally by hand and placed into very nice, shiny, and beautiful bracelets that can be worn by anyone, anywhere, anytime. They can be worn by people who have all kinds of problems as they do not have any side effects or negative results, so they can be used by children, pregnant women, and very elderly people as well. We guarantee that you will see and notice a clear benefit of concentration, mind clarity, decreased mental fog, and an increase in memory and thinking ability in 24 hours only.
We also made those bracelets for almost the cost price of making. You will see that they might be comparable in price to any other bracelet in a similar shape or form without any of the benefits that these bracelets may have.
All the stones for the bracelets have been selected very carefully. The entire work has been done in our center, and everything has been done by hand, inspected thoroughly, and presented to you in its final form as not only a beautiful piece of jewelry but a very powerful and effective energy item that can help you keep your head up and your mind clear in these confusing times.
We made 20 pieces in total, as these stones are not only very rare but very hard to work with. We selected the best and the most beautiful, cut them, polished them, shined them, strung them, and made them all in the same size and put them on very nice bracelets. There are a few colors based on the natural color of the stones. Some are red, some are black, some are white, but you will see some inclusions, and the color will not be exactly the same on all of them, of course, as they are all-natural and will have slight differences.
There is no need to charge them or do anything to them. You can carry them and wear them anywhere with no regulations or rules or restrictions. And you can use them for an entire lifetime. You also don't have to wear them all the time. If you are sleeping or showering or swimming, you can take them off. You can wear them only when you are around devices or electronics or are consistently working or looking into screens.
Once you place the bracelet around your wrist, and it can be worn anywhere on the body, even on the ankle if you choose so, it will only take a few minutes for it to grab all the negative elector-energies from your body and destroy them, keeping your body and energy balanced. These are totally natural stones made by nature itself. No human interaction or interference has been entered into them, so you don't have to worry about them causing any negative or side effects. If you have been feeling cloudy and having problems with memory or concentration lately, don't miss out.
A very limited quantity of 20 bracelets only made. Given the fact that we are sending this to our 5,000-plus client list, we don't expect them to last for more than a couple of days, so if you decide to get one of them, please don't wait.
We will select a color for you, black red or white (clear) based on the availability, the colors make no different regarding the benefits of the work.